Accueil de « Catarina et la beauté de tuer des fascistes »

Catarina et la beauté de tuer des fascistes

+ d'infos sur le texte de Tiago Rodrigues traduit par Thomas Resendes
mise en scène Tiago Rodrigues

: Presentation

Tiago Rodrigues presents Catarina e a beleza de matar fascistas (Catarina and the Beauty of Killing Fascists). It’s about a family that kills fascists. It’s a tradition that everyone in the family has followed for over 70 years. They’ve all got together today in a house in the country near a village called Baleizão in the south of Portugal. One of the youngest members of the family, Catarina, is to kill her first fascist, who has been kidnapped for this very purpose. It’s a day to celebrate, a day of beauty and death. However, Catarina finds herself unable to kill him or else she’s refusing to do so. Is there a place for violence in the struggle for a better world?

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