Accueil de « Pauvre folle Phèdre »

Pauvre folle Phèdre

+ d'infos sur le texte de Eugène Durif
mise en scène Olivier Subts

: WHY ( A letter of motivation )

Do I need to say that I'm motivated?
I'm 34 years old, and my whole life has been devoted to creation.

For how long will I remain a young creator still to be confirmed?

I'm going to create Pauvre Folle Phèdre.
The world premier performance of Eugène DURIF's latest play.

Because when such a great play has been given to you, the only thing to do is everything for it to be heard, seen, eaten
Because I believe that language is concrete and tangible.
Because I probably won't have this chance ten times in my life
Because I'm only a rewriting site, this play is a rewriting site, the theatre is only a rewriting site Because I really only exist when the spirit blows through the black boxes and I forget myself as an individual
Because it's time for such institutions as programmers to have confidence in me and at last give me the resources of a genuine premier production of national importance.
Because some remarkable creators, some ordinarily extraordinary people, i.e., all the members of my team, hunger for this adventure
Because they are asking you to believe in them as they believe in me
Because I always want big, long exchanges with the public
Because beauty resides in difficulty, the infinite complexity of things and the time devoted to them Because I have things to say and to be said about everything
Because I have an excessive ambition for the people I love and for all humans

Because I promised.

Because I feel capable
Because, all I know is how to write and to create worlds
Because, being also a writer, I know that I wouldn't have written this play any differently.

Because I've been moved.

Subts, September 2000

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