Accueil de « Lear »


+ d'infos sur le texte de Edward Bond traduit par Georges Bas
mise en scène Christophe Perton

: A note to young authors

Regarding epic theatre

The form of the new theatre will be epic. (…) An epic play tells a story and explains why it took place. This gives it a beginning, a middle and an end, authentically linked together. This is not the case in the theatre of the absurd. Here, life has been deprived of meaning: there is a beginning and an end, but no middle. Bourgeois theatre is only interested in anecdotes: they have a middle, but no beginning and no end.

From L'Energie du sens, by Edward Bond, edited by Jérôme Hankins, translated into French by Georges Bas, Jérôme Hankins and Séverine Magois - Editions Climats -

Maison Antoine Vitez

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