Love's end

de Pascal Rambert

Texte original : Clôture de l'amour traduit par Kate Moran , Jim Fletcher

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Love's end : Incipit

Jim: I wanted to see you to tell you that this is going to stop

it's not going to continue

we're not going to continue

this is going to stop here

we can’t continue forever can we

 and you obviously you it’s something for you obviously

to not

not to

how can i put it

 something that

no clearly if you don’t see it you're going to see it we're going to see it very soon

we can see it now

 it's right in front of us

 it's all right there in front of us

 obviously you it’s something that you

but we

you're not going to be able to push back forever

it's the kind of thing that doesn't get pushed back

 we're not pushing it back

you can say whatever you want

you can position yourself there

you can get yourself into a position of mentally working

what do you call it of

you can do some telepathy

 right that’s what it is it’s telepathy

 telepathy on me

do some kind of telepathy on me

with your hands so that everything that would be coming out

so that everything that is coming out would have to go back in

not come out

or if it comes out goes back in immediately

never come out

never think of coming out

or if it were to get inside me it wouldn't come back out
it wouldn't be able to come back out

it would never have come out

but it is coming out

so go ahead

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