Behzti (Dishonour)

Behzti (Dishonour)

de Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti

Écrit en 2003 - anglais


"You think it is pleasant watching a fat virgin become infertile? I want to be seen and noticed and invited by people. I want anything... that is not this."
Past her prime, Min joyfully spends her life caring for her sick, foul-mouthed mother, Balbir. Today, for the first time in years, they´re off out.
Mother and daughter head to the local Sikh Temple, but when Balbir encounters old friends, a past trauma rears its ugly head. Min and Balbir´s illusions are about to be shattered as they become immersed in a world of desperate aspiration and dangerous deals.
In a community where public honour is paramount, is there any room for the truth?

Nombre de personnages

  • 3 homme(s)
  • 4 femme(s)
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