Accueil de « ... Où boivent les vaches »

... Où boivent les vaches

+ d'infos sur le texte de Roland Dubillard
mise en scène Éric Vigner

: Concerning the play

"This is Roland Dubillard's other masterpiece, after La Maison d'os.
A tragi-comic play about art, and the art of living: being human.
This could be what L'Illusion comique is to Corneille's work or The Mountain Giants to Pirandello's, a fantasy where questions about existence and the necessity of art are mingled in a remarkable, nonconformist writing, which has no equivalent today: a rarity, a treasure.
Created in 1972 in Paris at the Festival d'Automne by the Renaud-Barrault company, with a prestigious cast including Roland Dubillard himself, and directed by Roger Blin,
"…Où boivent les vaches." was revived in 1983 at the TNP by Roger Planchon. It's been twenty years since this drollery has been unjustly absent from theaters."

Éric Vigner

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