Accueil de « Du luxe et de l'impuissance »

Du luxe et de l'impuissance

+ d'infos sur le texte de Jean-Luc Lagarce
mise en scène Jean-Luc Terrade

: Jean-Luc coming back ... to tell us his theater.

Presentation :

"Of Luxury and Impotence"... "Pretending to live our lives"... "We must protect the places of creation"... "Where does it come from?"... "Making new promises"... "Why poets in the time of poverty"...

Through articles and editorials written by Jean-Luc Lagarce for theaters and magazines between 1991 and 1995, we follow a solitary journey, silent and yet filled with the words, sounds and images of Jean-Luc coming back one last time to tell us ... to tell us about himself ... to tell us about his struggles, his joys, his desires, his illness, his death ... to tell us HIS THEATER.

What immediately struck me in these articles, so crystal-clear, so evident, is that the "political" (from the viewpoint of the place of theater and art in society) is always an integral part of the personal, where the sensitive is always emphasized.
Public and private commitments are intimately bound together.

- To accompany these words and this journey: Barbara - who sings and who speaks – Barbara who sings solitude, hospital corridors, velvet theater seats;
Barbara who answers journalists' questions;
Barbara who also, in her own way, combines so well the intimate (love, loneliness, death) and the spectacular, through the staging and the beautifying of her silhouette and her face.

And then Barbara who supported AIDS sufferers for many months.
Finally Barbara who, all my life, cradled my dreams and soothed my nightmares.

- And another shadow will accompany me on stage along this journey …

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