Photo de Tiago Correia

Tiago Correia


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Tomar, Portugal, 1987. Degree in Theatre – Actor, in ESMAE (Porto). Founded the company A Turma, in 2008. Worked as an actor in theatre, cinema and television. Some of the stage directors he worked with: André Guedes, Cristina Carvalhal, Nuno M Cardoso, Oskar Gomez Mata, Pascal E. Luneau, Paul Clarke and Manuel Tur. Won the Best Actor prize in the short-film festival “Ver e Fazer Filmes” promoted by European Capital of Culture Guimarães 2012. As a stage director for A Turma, he directed contemporaneous plays like “História de Amor (últimos capítulos)” by Jean-Luc Lagarce; “Do Discurso Amoroso: Fragment 1” and “Fragment 2”, own texts, inspired by Roland Barthes’ book; “Gaspar” by Peter Handke; and “A Noite Canta” by Jon Fosse. He wrote the film “Ela: Do Discurso Amoroso”, inspired by Roland Barthes, the play “Pela Água” (“Grand Prize of Portuguese Theatre - 2016”) and the fiction-audiowalk “Dornes”. He’s an acting teacher in the professional theatre school A.C.E.. He’s a singer-songwriter in the band Les Saint Armand, described by Time Out “one of the ten names to listen this year”.

Tiago Correia’s last works:

DORNES, audiowalk by Tiago Correia. Permanently exhibited in Dornes’ village. Caminhos Médio Tejo 2017.

ANTÍGONA, by Sófocles. Academia Contemporânea do Espetáculo 2017.

ELA: DO DISCURSO AMOROSO (film by Francisco Lobo), staring and script by Tiago Correia. Festival de Cinema Luso-Brasileiro de Santa Maria da Feira 2016.

A NOITE CANTA, by Jon Fosse. Municipal Theatre of Oporto and FITEI 2016.

LUA AMARELA, by David Greig. Academia Contemporânea do Espetáculo 2017.

NÃO ERA UMA VEZ, by portuguese poets. Teatro Diogo Bernardes 2015.

INSULTO AO PÚBLICO, by Peter Handke. La Fin Terrible 2013

GASPAR, by Peter Handke. European Capital of Culture 2012.

DO DISCURSO AMOROSO: 1st and 2nd fragments, after Roland Barthes. Hard Club 2012.


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