Accueil de « Tout mon possible »

Tout mon possible

mise en scène Denis Podalydès

: The characters

Doctor Double, a mediocre psychiatrist, about forty. Claims to have invented a machine capable of copying humans. At the beginning, displays unwavering assurance, effortlessly answering all the objections of his patients but, as their cases become more complicated, this is transformed into a strange anxiety which may, or may not be just an act.

Lucas, a young man in torment, no given profession, obsessed by the idea that he is not all that he could or should be. Nurtures a huge appetite for power but is unaware of this.

Rose, a young married woman, doesn't know what suits her, nor who she is. In love with two men, her husband and her lover, and doesn't want to lose either of them. At a certain moment, her double (or herself thinking she's her double) intercepts the doctor in the lift of her building and comes out again furious.

Rose's husband, a vigorous man, older than his wife. Loses all his convictions the day when a woman full of assurance and with perfect taste comes home.

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