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Vallende man (Falling man)

+ d'infos sur l'adaptation de Julien Gosselin ,
mise en scène Julien Gosselin

: Presentation

American author Don DeLillo is the most eminent chronicler of his country and his time. In numerous novels and stories, he researches the often destructive impact of large events and social changes – such as the Cold War and nuclear threat, the digital age and globalization – on the lives of ordinary people.

Falling Man (2007) is a reflection on global terrorism and its effect on a family in New York during the aftermath of 9/11. Keith Neudecker escapes from the Twin Towers mildly injured and confused. Without knowing why, he heads for the house of his ex-wife and young son, from whom he is separated. Later he starts an affair with a woman whose book bag he took by mistake when he left the tower. After that, he travels around the world with his poker club.

But whatever he does, nothing works: the events have messed him up so much he has lost all sense of direction. How do survivors and their surroundings come to terms with the traumatic experience that was 9/11? Don DeLillo paints the portrait of people who have lost their identity and are unable to find their way around a changed world.

Falling man is part of a large project by French director Julien Gosselin, based on the work of Don DeLillo. He will create the first part with his own company for the Festival d’Avignon in 2018, bringing three of DeLillo’s books together in one marathon performance. In April, this first part will be performed here in Amsterdam. As a second part, Falling man will be created.

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