Accueil de « Retour définitif et durable de l'être aimé »

Retour définitif et durable de l'être aimé

+ d'infos sur le texte de Olivier Cadiot
mise en scène Ludovic Lagarde

: concerning the play

Retour définitif et durable de l'être aimé continues the adventures of Robinson (after Futur, ancien, fugitif and Le Colonel des Zouaves, Olivier Cadiot's previous two books).

At the beginning of the story, the hero, disappointed by life in the city, remains hanging onto a balcony to avoid an exhausting party, then starts crossing the polluted countryside, trying to escape from a series of tiresome characters, probably belonging to the same family. To get away from all this, he decides to become a saint and sets off to meet a retired specialist ... things end badly.
Along the way, we learn the rules of unknown sports, a technique for exploding the past in the present and some infallible methods of finding love again.

A poetic tale made up of fragments of intimacy and memories of real or movie wars, and where now and then caricatural figures and hilarious scenes suddenly appear, Retour définitif et durable de l'être aimé is like a musical score for voice and body of actors. Through sophisticated sound work, snatches of stories and dialogues are amplified, accelerated and multiplied to become an authentic musical and acoustic décor: a few words closed into a "samples" box then liberated carry us into the hell of a strange party or the heart of an unusual nature.

A laboratory for a long period of work, a poetic and sound research workshop, the rather particular adventure of retour définitif et durable de l'être aimé is to take a year, with three unusual and successive versions of the play (numbered 1, 2 & 3) to be presented.

Stage 1 : Nancy and Clermont-Ferrand
Stage 2 : Strasbourg/Musica
Stage 3 : Paris/Théâtre National de la Colline

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