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Les Règles du savoir-vivre dans la société moderne

+ d'infos sur le texte de Jean-Luc Lagarce
mise en scène François Berreur

: To be born is not complicated. To die is very easy.

by Jean-Luc Lagarce

To be born is not complicated. To die is very easy. To live between these two events is not necessarily impossible. It's simply a matter of following the rules and applying the right principles in order to make the best of it all. All you have to know is that, in all circumstances, a solution exists, a way of reacting and of behaving, an explanation of all problems, for life is but a long series of minuscule problems, each one of which requires and must receive a response.

A certain number of practical solutions allows one to avoid uncertainty, doubt, the dreadful spontaneous reaction, sudden emotion, uncouth joy, the most generous cordiality or sincere sorrow.

To learn how to live, the art of living, savoir vivre, will always provide protection against the natural, and reassurance against the animal which asks only to re-emerge: this part of ourselves so badly brought up that it lets the heart speak, it goes up to those it loves unconscious of their rank and their place in the World and keeps away from hypocrisy.

It consists of knowing and learning, from the already very social moment of one's birth, how to keep one's rank and respect the codes which govern existence. It also consists of weighing up the pros and cons, evaluating the values and the interests which authorise an engagement, a marriage - we are not speaking about love - the laws which govern feelings and emotions and which, by removing those fatal and trivial errors of instinct, always lead to perfect social harmony. Ultimately, it consists of controlling one's grief, crying just the right amount, judging the relative importance of one's sorrow and always, in the most difficult moments of one's life, evaluating just the right proportions allowed.

If we rely on the book of conventions, customs and good manners, always referring, never revealing anything of one's innermost nature, this uncontrollable beast which only lets the heart speak, it's really funny, always referring to and not wanting to let go of the rules of polite society, etiquette, recommendations, the right blend of objects and of people, good taste and good order, we will always behave properly, we will be just right, we will risk nothing, we will never be afraid.

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