Auf dem Land

+ d'infos sur le texte de Martin Crimp traduit par Corinna Brocher
mise en scène Luc Bondy

: Presentation

Richard and Corinne, a couple from London, have retired to the country. They have fled the city as if entering a detoxification centre. But, from the very first scene, their relationship is as if on the brink of the abyss. Richard, a doctor, has taken in a young woman, Rebecca, whom he says he found on the road, in danger. She is sleeping. Corinne questions her husband more and more insistently. Suspicion is on the prowl, nothing is asserted, nothing is clarified. Later, the two women left alone confront each other. Then later again, Richard learns that his wife has left with their two children. In the last scene, two months have passed. The couple is reunited, appearances have been kept up, but we know that the deterioration of their love and, at a deeper level, the deterioration of their souls ravaged by suspicion and lies, will never heal.

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