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Jacob Wren



Jacob Wren is a writer and maker of eccentric performances. His recent books include Unrehearsed Beauty (Coach House Books), Families Are Formed Through Copulation (Pedlar Press) and the upcoming novel Revenge Fantasies of the Politically Dispossessed (Pedlar Press). These books are translated and published in French by Le Quartanier.

As co-artistic director of Montreal-based interdisciplinary group PME-ART he has co-created En français comme en anglais, it's easy to criticize (1998), Unrehearsed Beauty / Le génie des autres (2002), La famille se crée en copulant (2005) and the ongoing HOSPITALITÉ / HOSPITALITY series: 1: The Title Is Constantly Changing (2007), 2: Gradually This Overview (2010), 3: Individualism Was A Mistake (2008) and 5: The DJ Who Gave Too Much Information (2011).

In 2007 he was invited to Berlin by Sophiensaele to adapt and direct Wolfgang Koeppen's 1954 novel Der Tod in Rom and in 2008 he was commissioned by Campo in Ghent to co-create (with Pieter De Buysser) An Anthology of Optimism. He frequently writes about contemporary art.

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