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Emanuele Aldrovandi



Emanuele Aldrovandi (Reggio Emilia, 1985). After a Bachelor Degree in Philosophy and a Master Degree in Literature, he studied playwriting at the “Paolo Grassi Theater School” in Milan and he started to work with MaMiMò Theatre, writing for several productions of the company.

In 2013, with Homicide House, he won the most important award for emerging playwrights in Italy, the “Riccione/Tondelli Award”, and his plays started to be staged in many theatres all over the country. He also won the “Luigi Pirandello National Award” with Felicità, the “Fersen Award” with Il generale, the “Mario Fratti Award“ and the “Hystrio Award” with Farfalle.

He worked with independent or established companies, he collaborated with several actors and directors (also for adaptations, translations and collective works) and since 2016 he has been working with ERT – Emilia Romagna National Theatre, that commissioned him to write some plays (like Allarmi!) and involved him in several projects.

He was invited to several international festivals, he collaborated with Beijing National Opera on a project about Shakespeare’s Othello, he was chosen as Italian playwright at Sala Beckett’s Obrador d’Estiu with Simon Stephens and he wrote for the collective play Table d’Hote, which included artists from Croatia, Italy and Finland. His plays are published in Italy by CUE Press and translated in English, German, French and Catalan.

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